A Star Is Born

Poster for the movie "A Star Is Born"
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A Star Is Born

Is the price of stardom a broken heart?

19371 h 51 min

Esther Blodgett is just another starry-eyed farm kid trying to break into the movies. Waitressing at a Hollywood party, she catches the eye of her idol Norman Maine, is sent for a screen test, and before long attains stardom as newly minted Vicki Lester. She and Norman marry, though his career soon dwindles to nothing due to his chronic alcoholism.

Runtime 1 h 51 min
Release Date 27 April 1937
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A Bucket of Blood

Poster for the movie "A Bucket of Blood"
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A Bucket of Blood

You'll be sick, sick, sick — from LAUGHING!

19591 h 06 min

Nerdy Walter Paisley, a maladroit busboy at a beatnik café who doesn't fit in with the cool scene around him, attempts to woo his beautiful co-worker, Carla, by making a bust of her. When his klutziness results in the death of his landlady's cat, he panics and hides its body under a layer of plaster. But when Carla and her friends enthuse over the resulting artwork, Walter decides to create some bigger and more elaborate pieces using the same artistic process.

Director Roger Corman
Runtime 1 h 06 min
Release Date 21 October 1959
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Dishonored Lady

Poster for the movie "Dishonored Lady"
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Dishonored Lady

Unbridled passion . . . scandal . . . murder!

19471 h 25 min

Art editor Madeleine Damian carries on numerous loveless affairs. After a failed relationship with advertiser Felix Courtland, the increasingly depressed Madeleine attempts suicide. When Jack Garet, her secretary and former lover, tries to blackmail her, Madeleine resigns and seeks a reclusive life. Neighbor David Cousins befriends Madeleine, but soon Courtland and Garet discover her whereabouts and disrupt her new life.

Director Robert Stevenson
Runtime 1 h 25 min
Release Date 16 May 1947
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Cause for Alarm!

Poster for the movie "Cause for Alarm!"
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Cause for Alarm!

This Girl Is In Danger!

19511 h 14 min

A bedridden and gravely ill man believes his wife and doctor are conspiring to kill him, and outlines his suspicions in a letter.

Director Tay Garnett
Runtime 1 h 14 min
Release Date 30 March 1951
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